Helping trailblazers find their path to the rare and unusual coffees of the world.


We source only the highest quality beans around the world - focusing on micro-lot and organic wherever we can. From a natural process Ethiopian to a wet-hulled Sumatran, we rotate our offerings so we have on-hand only the freshest inventory at any one time. This means our offerings may be limited.


The heart of our operation is our roastery. Each origin is given a custom roast profile to reach its fullest potential and unlock the most flavor from the bean. We don’t force roast degrees on coffee, but instead tailor each roast to bring out the best in the beans. Some roasts perform better at a dark roast and others on the lighter end of the agtron.


Each roast is cupped before bagging to ensure the roast is performing at its best.

All of our roasts brew optimally with a V60, but because each origin is unique, have fun experimenting with the various brew methods! We include comments within each origin on our shop page with brew methods we have tried. We are in the process of creating additional details for home brewing soon!